
Hello my name is POWLSEKNSCHAINSAWBLOODGUTSAWESOMENESS or POWLSEKNS for short. I am a 16 (almost 17 (unc alert)) years old and I am really cool and stuff. I mean I currently am not good at any of my hobbies but I will be one day. I was a first generation ipad kid so that's what I spent most of time doing growing up. It was really bad for me.

Anywayz I am currently interested in videogames, fashion, ermmm idk I guess drawing Im not really the da best at it tho. I also really enjoy movies and I spent some of the less horrible parts of my ipad kid dayz watching movie reviews so think of my site as letterboxd but like for awesome sigmas and not filthy involuntary celibates. My favorite color is pink :3. I also really like animals and stuff.

me asf.

Other thingz dat r #cool :3 :D